Ya know when it just seems like everything in your life is going wrong and the onlything left to say is well at least you have your health..... well things have actually been going pretty good but my health is on this roller coaster!!! So here is what is going on.
A couple of weeks ago i had what we will call an "episode." What happens is, i get nausea/vomiting and then my stomach starts hurting. it burns aches and cramps. i also get the hot sweats, and as much as it embarasses brock i have to strip down to my birthday suit put ice packs on me and a fan. TMI?? This pain lasts for about 3-4 hours and then as soon as it is gone i get chills and start shivering for about an hour. these "episodes" have been happening every couple of days without any warning. the first time i went to the ER they thought i was dehydrated from all of the vomiting. so they hooked me up to some IV fluids and sent me home. my 2nd ER trip they gave me as much morphine and dilaudid as i could get all the while i was still screaming from pain, did a ultrasound and found nothing... so i got an MRI.. they found that i have an intussusception of my bowel... google it..
SO. my options are.... drum roll.....
Surgery, oh but wait! I cant have surgery because my intussusception fixes itself and it doesnt cut off the blood flow well at least yet.. So my dr's orders are wait for the pain to last for 6 hours then maybe your bowel is dead come in and we will take a look and see if we can do surgery... oh yeah this also would be super high risk because of your pregnancy. oh and also we dont really see this in adults usually its babies so you are kinda our first patient that we have ever seen with this....
so my brilliant Ob sends me to a gastroenterologist--he knows about bowels right... I paid $50 for a specialist to sit down with me retell me everything that they told me at the hospital and the only dietary advice he has is to stay hydrated.... Thanks doc can i have my $50 dollars back so i can shove it up your bum and make you feel the pain that i have been feeling and then maybe you will be a little more interested and advise something more then hydration.
so thats whats going on...as far as what can be done ---- basically nothing until my bowel dies. I would like to thank all those that have prayed and fasted for me this has been a difficult process and your support means alot. my next step i guess is to meet with a surgeon. until then we are gonna keep praying that i dont have anymore "episodes"
xoxo Haili
p.s. Brock has been amazing through all of this I am so so greatful to have him as a husband. he is the best !! love ya !!
haili! yuck! have you had anymore since sunday? you should let us know when you guys need something. james and I can come in a flash. I'm sorry there is nothing you can do to take the pain away though!!!!!!!! what timing!
What the crap!? You gave me a dang heart attack! Why did I not know anything about these "episodes"? I can't even believe it!! I am such a jerk! PLEASE let me know if I can do ANYTHING!! I'm serious Haili!
Haili... I hope your bowel doesn't die. that is the wierdest thing i have ever heard! PLEASE NO MORE EPISODES!!
That sucks, I see this all the time in kids and I can't image in adults good luck...
Haili! im so sorry! I hope you get better soon! i will pray for you :)
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