Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lots of pics

Well we have been just hanging out taking pictures So here ya go. I go back to work on March 13 and i am going to miss this little girl, but i am very greatful that i get to work nights so i dont miss anything !!

Grace in her swing--- we dont really know what she is doing with her hands but we tried to put them down and she just picked them up and did this all over again..

I know that this picture makes me look like a terrible mom but i was doing laundry and grace started to fuss a bit so i put her in the basket to carry her upstairs and she immediatly stopped and put her hands up and LOVED it i dont know if it was the warm clothes or what --so this was not child abuse !!

Grace and Granny

Grace & Grandpa VO

Grace and Daddy

Grace is 1 month old and time has just flown. I love being a mom more then anything and she is such a sweet girl. She is now what i would call sleeping through the night "mostly" we put her to be around 10 and she wakes up about 5. MOSTLY some night she has a random wake up at 2 and then sleep until 8 sort of a thing but she is only waking up 1 time a night.

She LOVES her swing !! we will put her in it and turn on just the sounds--- not the music, it just doesnt play the right tunes for her. Our dear Grace has bieber fever.... and is in love with garth--- garth brooks !! Sometimes when she cries brock will put on a little "baby baby baby" and grace will stop and follow the phone around.


erin said...

hahah i put george in the laundry basket too! but now he is to fat and makes everything to heavy to do it safely! we should get them together for a baby dance party, george has a bit of beiber fever as well! so cute!

Madi said...

Haili... I might have to report you to Child Services for this one... Haha no really what is it with children and laundry? There's got to be something there... they all love it. Let's figure out how we can tap into that market...

Laura Cates said...

I love that Grace likes Justin Bieber. That's hilarious!

Derek and Laressa Hanni said...

She is such a little doll.. It makes me want another baby.. My baby will be 2 this summer.. Time flys so enjoy it.. I put both my kids in the laundry basket they loved it..