Friday, October 19, 2012

2 years Dr Stevens

2 years... and boy has it flown by... 2 years ago i was hooked up to a bunch of machines in the hospital and my poor husband was wondering if i was going to make it or not. I often feel like a broken record when talking about my bowels twisting and i am sure everyone is sick of hearing about it. So i will keep this brief. 

     Brock and i had a hard decision to make when it came to deciding if we were going to have more children or not. Obviously we decided to go ahead and give it a shot. and so far so good. I feel so blessed to be married to Brock and to have Grace as our little girl. She amazes me every day. We have been so grateful for the prayers that have been in our behalf with this pregnancy. I went and saw Dr stevens this week  for our yearly get together and i just have to say he is one of the best men out there. As I walked up to his office he was in the waiting room talking to a patient and getting their cell number so that he could personally check on something for them and then call them and let them know the results. There just aren't that many doctors around that would go through that much effort for one patient. and I was once again reminded of the effort that he put forth on me, he should have closed me up and signed my death certificate.......but thank heavens he didn't!!!!! I think those of us that are in the healthcare field sometimes loose our compassion. Its one of the worst things that happens. somewhere between caring for your patient outcomes and trying to "get the job done" it slowly disappears. I love working in the NICU and I hope i never loose my compassion because lets be honest who can look at a baby and not just love them?? ----back to dr stevens--- as soon as he recognized me (new hair& pregnant) he came and gave me a big hug!! He showed me pictures of his grandchildren and even tried to get me to come work with him. I know he was busy and i didn't have a scheduled appointment but he took the time to talk and catch up with me anyway. -- a couple of weeks ago i was really nervous because it was about the time i started twisting with grace-- I expressed my concern with dr stevens and he told me to not even let it worry me, that if anything were to come up he would be there to help. He eased my worries once again. I am so grateful that I got him as my doctor, I am so grateful to his family to be so supportive of him so that he can be the compassionate, hardworking man that he is. I feel so blessed to be here another year and that i get to raise the sweetest little girl and (hopefully) another NICE one in January. This last year has been so much fun getting to be a mom. It is the best thing in the world. There are times when i want to pull my hair out and don't think i can take another second of it but then i get a hug or a kiss or an i love you from her and everything is ok. I am so excited for this next year and can't wait for what new adventures it brings. !!!! 

1 comment:

erin said...

i never get tired of hearing about this! it's an experience to learn from always! and what would life be like without grace! she is the greatest!! i'm thankful for dr. stevens too! or I wouldn't have a walking partner!!! yay! can't wait for the new baby girl!!!!