Monday, November 15, 2010

I got my bill !!

I know nobody gets excited for bills, and neither do I. But im not going to lie i have been very curious about my recent trip to the hospital and just exactly what something like that costs!! so in case any of you out there were wondering what an 11 day stay in the hospital, including blood tests, Oerating Room Minutes for 3 surgeries, PICC line and Arterial line placements, Pharmacy (medications), Radiology---just the tests not the Drs reading it, Room service, and any random supplies they use, Labory and delivery monitoring, Respiratory and a few adjustments here and there it comes to about
103868.20 Just a rought estimate. HAHAHAHAHA
When i first saw that number i thought it was around ten thousand and i thought to myself hey not bad. but as i was reading the number out loud it came out right and i started laughing my head off!!! sure glad for insurance!!! i cant wait to see what all the Dr's are going to charge !


Brittney said...

Wow. That is insane! I don't know how people live without healthcare insurance.

Kelsey Higham said...

OH MY CRAP! That's all I have to say.

Hailey said...

WE don't have health insurance... and let me just tell that after seeing that number I'm going to be finding us some ASAP! sheesh...

Megan Rice said...

Haili, since the boys were born they have over $300,000 in medical bills so I HEAR YA SISTA! Insurance is such a necessary evil.