Saturday, March 6, 2010


Alright the time has finally come we are going on our CRUISE !! We have been waiting to go on a vacation since...... well before we got married. Our honeymoon was great and everything but Park City really isnt MEXICO. So to all of you staying here in the cold- and random snow storms that we have been getting I am sorry and when i get back hopefully i will have some pictures that can bring a little heat to your heart !!!
On a little bit different note I am still looking for a job dang it !!! but I guess since I have been in Idaho the past two weeks and then going on a vacay for another week i guess its good i dont have one yet. but keep your eyes and ears open for me !!!!
PS... please pray for my dear husband.... I am worried that his fair skin wont do too hot in that mexican weather.... (hahahaha)

1 comment:

erin said...

hope you had fun on your cruise. My mom's work is always hiring new nurses if you are interested I can get your resume over to her. She works for Inspriaton Hospice. I've heard nice things about it don't know if you'd be interested in Hospice nursing. she says they take good care of their nurses. let me know.