Wow it has been a LONG time since I have updated so I thought it would be a good idea to make a post.
First of all we have been super super super busy!! We bought a duplex and have been painting, carpeting, cleaning, sanding etc. Right now we currently dont have the internet at our house or even TV !! so really every spare minute is spent cleaning and trying to get it ready for our baby. Currently the whole upstairs is sanitized and ready to go. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be able to walk around without shoes on !! I LOVE IT !!! but as soon as i even think about going downstairs the shoes are back on. the people that lived there before us had some pets and pet hair was everywhere. So pet owners for your landlords sake please be clean with your pets!
We did find some time to go see the lights with some friends and it was nice to get a little break in the routine. it was great! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love the smells- pine, cider, fresh wrapping paper, hot cocoa, fire. and all the beautiful christmas lights that are put up, christmas trees, stockings-- the whole bit. I am ashamed to say that because of the state of our house we were only able to get a teeny tiny tree-- no lights- no stockings nothing !! so our house is a christmas let down BUT NEXT YEAR watch out neighborhood !!
Grace is doing great!!! and she has developed quite the personality Brock calls me crazy but i think i am right.. when i went to get my Non stress test one week she was sleeping so they needed to wake her up to make her heart rate accelerate. so they bring this buzzer thing in that kinda vibrates and makes noise and they stick it around her head. well most kids jump and their heart rate immediatly goes up. well our dear grace just kicks at the thing and rolls over. ok maybe it was a coincidence the first time But she did it 3 MORE TIMES. the only explination i can think of is that she get so used to my bowels bugging her that, that little buzzer thing wasnt going to wake her up. So from now on I always eat a little bit of candy before i go just to keep her awake. I am so excited for her to get here! I talked my Dr. into inducing me on Jan 11, 2011.. he wouldnt do it any sooner or it would have been then. but i thought that 1-11-11 would be a pretty cool birthday.
thats a quick update! I hope everybody enjoys their holidays and is safe. Enjoy spending time with your loved ones and family!! every moment is important !! let your loved ones know that you love them. I know that more now then ever.