Sunday, September 19, 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this Cute boy !!!!(now 26)

Today is Brock's Special day so i wanted to give a little shout out to him. I love this guy more and more every day, and with every new experience that we go through. Recently I have been having some health problems i guess you could say and Brock has gone above and beyond what i think any average husband would go. He has put up with me screaming at the top of my lungs, held me when i cried, made me laugh when it was the last thing i wanted to do. I know this picture is of a little boy, but the man that i married is amazing !! Yeah there are time when he acts about the age he is in that picture, but i love him for it. So brock when you read this thank you so much for being the husband you are. I love you more then ever and am so glad we get to spend forever together. You are going to be the best dad ever. I hope you have the best birthday ever !!!!! XOXO Haili & baby

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