Monday, October 1, 2012

We DID IT !!!

I am now on my 24th week of pregnancy and I finally feel like I can breathe a little bit. During my pregnancy with Grace my bowels started twisting around weeks 22-23 and although I am only a week past that we couldn't be happier !!! Now my next goal is 30 weeks so here is to hoping the next 6 weeks go well........

It has been forever since I have blogged and quite frankly I have no excuses. I haven't worked for about  2-3 months because we have been so slow, which is good because that means nobody is having sick babies but bad for my purse !!! I have enjoyed the extra time that i have got to spend with Grace, even though when i worked i wasn't gone that much I feel like these last couple of months we have had a lot of fun.
We ate lots of popsicles and went boating 

we went to the park and enjoyed chick-fil a shakes 

Visited the zoo LOTS of times

Went to the park and played on ALL of the toys
ate and ate some more yummy food and treats

went for hikes
celebrated daddys birthday
picked our tomatoes a "little" early

went to aunt edens wedding ! 

played with cousins

1 comment:

Karly said...

I MISS YOU LADY!!! And I don't even recognize you as a Beautiful Brunette!! You look HAWT!